Gift Economy

Our vocabulary has not yet caught up with the budding concept of gift economy that we are nurturing in our hearts.

There are plenty of words for things we don’t want: Cost. Dues. Fees. Payments. And there are words that used to bring Interdependence to bear on human relationships but have come to be applied to oppressive financial relationships: Debt. Obligation. Exchange. Trade. We want to remember the pro-social meaning of these words. We want to practice Charles Eisenstein’s Sacred Economics and live in The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible.

If we are joyfully and generously sharing our gifts, then we do not want to inflict a cost on anyone. Yet the gifts, skills, and other resources that we are sharing are precious and valuable – priceless, in fact!

We want to flourish and thrive!

Our vision of a gift economy is clear and bright, and we accept that our society isn’t there yet. We are at virtually 100% actualization of that vision among ourselves, but when it comes to navigating among the community of communities…. Well, that’s another story!

Financial Contributions

When we are separated in time and space, financial contributions are often the clearest way we can express our gratitude and appreciation. By request, specific Person- or Organization-specific Donate/Contribute buttons may appear elsewhere at PANinA. By using the buttons here, you will contribute your “click” to the growth of PANinA‘s visibility and reputation in cyberspace which will, in turn, attract more interesting and diverse people and organizations to PANinAPeace And Nonviolence in Action.

Other Ways to Contribute

We are meeting many needs by making our resources available to as many people as possible, regardless of their willingness or ability to contribute financially. The needs that are most alive in us are inclusion, shared growth and learning, and community.


  • Express your commitment to Peace And Nonviolence in Action with random acts of kindness in your local community.
  • Contribute your presence, participation, and joy at PANinA events.
  • Share the gift of your talents and skills:
    • Subscribe to PANinA‘s blog and post Comments.
    • Create and facilitate a telesupport group and post your meetings as PANinA events.
    • Create and host a local support group and post your meetings as PANinA events.
    • Create and host Conversation Cafe events using PANinA content.
    • Provide technical and administrative support for PANinA‘s web presence.
  • Invite your friends! Help us build PANinA‘s web presence.

If you would like to contribute in one of these other ways or in some new, creative way not listed here, send an email to Admin at PANinA dot org to let us know.